She’s been a victim in the 2002 Ted Bundy movie and has had several slightly less notable roles in films like Death Factory, Scarecrow, The Ghouls, Bloody Murder 2, Dorm of the Dead, Dark Reel, Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!, Godkiller: Walk Among Us, Night of the Demons, and with well-known adult film star, Belladonna in the 2010 B-movie, Stripped. With her list of movies, albeit B-flicks; and a strikingly attractive sex-appeal; Tiffany is a bonafide Scream Queen in my book any day of the week.

Ashley went on to reprise her role in the 1988 sequel, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, a small cameo in 1992’s Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, and to round out her series appearance, 2002’s Hellraiser: Hellseeker. Prior to the last Hellraiser film Ashley acted in; she went on in the 90s to play in H.P. Lovecraft’s short story adaptation, Lurking Fear, playing a young woman seeking revenge for the murder of her sister and town doctor. Not only has this early Scream Queen appeared in several horror flicks; she has also had a part in the 2009 short film for a favorite band of mine, Slipknot’s music video, Snuff.

Quigley has been known to provide the nudity to give the B-movies a little something extra in the “happy-happy-funtime” category, as far as gratuitous boobage and slight cooter shots go! Check out more of Linnea and her Scream Queen assets in B-movie flicks like Night of the Demons, Girls Gone Dead, Stripperland, 1313: Cougar Cult, A Blood Story, The Voices From Beyond, Dead End, and Caesar and Otto’s Deadly Xmas.

Her character in the franchise was pretty well thought out to begin with…then she just kinda got annoying; like a wiry, bubble-eyed Chihuahua that won’t stop yapping…but, what can I say? I like Shawnee , and I somehow liked her character. For good measure, we can go ahead and throw in the 2009 direct-to-DVD movie, The Grudge 3 in there, as well. Two movie franchises that have truly worn out their welcome…nevertheless, we love our number 10 Scream Queen, Shawnee Smith!
9. Neve Campbell : Ms. Campbell did not rank too incredibly high on this list, partially because she is a bit drab to watch on screen. Each horror movie and regular movie (and TV show) she’s played in; all of her characters are the exact same. Tell me that you didn’t think that was Sidney Prescott in Wild Things, or even her Party of Five character in The Craft…either way, it’s all the same character. Though for some strange reason, I had to place her on this list. It’s just something about Neve that I like.
In 1996’s The Craft, Neve played a practicing witch, in which I first found her to be hauntingly-attractive. Her part was not that grand, but it apparently made a statement to veteran horror director, Wes Craven, as he casted her as the leading role in the 1996, awesomely written teen horror/slasher, Scream and its lackluster three following sequels. As Sidney Prescott in each of the franchise’s flicks; she could definitely put up a damn good fight for any Scream Queen heroine!
It has got to my affinity for dark hair and the sad eyes…maybe that’s why I placed her on here. Ah well, it’ll come to me.

Taking on a hulking-Leatherface is reason enough to place her on the list. Although she had to re-take her screaming parts over and over (because for some reason she is just not a screamer); Jessica played the role to a “T”. I promise I am not being biased just because she’s more than a little easy on the eyes. In 2004, Jessica played a vicious vampire hunter in Blade: Trinity. Again; sexy as all that is wicked and a killing machine this time; what more could you ask for? Well; how about more Jessica in another horror movie role?

Her most notable role was as the sadistically-sexy vixen, Vera-Ellen “Baby” Firefly in Rob Zombie’s 2003 horror romp, The House of 1000 Corpses, and again reprising her role in the 2005 follow up, The Devil’s Rejects. Also by her husband, in 2007 she starred in the remake of the 1978 classic, Halloween as Michael Myers’ mother and again in the 2009 sequel, Halloween II. She has also done voiceover work in the animated horror flick (also directed by Rob Zombie), The Haunted World of El Superbeasto and another role directed by…duhn-duhn-duhhhhhn; Rob Zombie, in the 2012 movie, The Lords of Salem. Sheri can surely scream, and give one of the most maniacal-female laughs today. This earns her a spot in our countdown…and her undeniable sex appeal; a must for Scream Queens.

Before she took on a vampire’s persona in 2009; Rhona starred in the 2006 horror-action film about werewolves, Skinwalkers. Not one of her greatest roles; but seeing as how she’s such a beautiful-little minx; we’ll let this one slide. In 2008, she also starred in the science-fiction thriller, Doomsday (which was made into a maze at Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights), where she plays a cold military Major leading her team to find a cure for some wild-virus. Rhona makes it to the list because of palpable amazing looks, stunning accent and her kick-ass style of characters in the horror genre.

Now although the character of Nancy was to be the lead heroine and lead role opposite of the dream stalker, Freddy Krueger; Heather’s acting ability seemed to be left back at Stanford University where director Wes Craven found her. It was languid and dry as a cotton mouth after toking on a fatty. Yet, somehow the Nancy-character oozed her way into our hearts and her return in 1987’s A Nightmare on Elm Street III: Dream Warriors, actually brought a sense of nostalgia to a three-year old franchise. Granted when Freddy got his comeuppance and off’d her; many of you (including myself) cheered just a little bit. We see Heather’s face once more in the last real Nightmare film before a 16-year hiatus in the franchise, 1994’s Wes Craven’s New Nightmare where she plays her lackluster self, Heather Langenkamp in essence trapped inside of a real nightmare world.
Away from the nightmare, Heather also made appearances in Wes Craven’s 1989 horror movie, Shocker, and a 2010 documentary on Freddy Krueger labeled, Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy. Oddly enough, the 80s Scream Queen directed a biographical documentary entitled, I Am Nancy the same year. Way to cash in on the one hit-character Nance, but I ain’t mad at’cha; got nothin’ but love for ya.
4. Kate Beckinsale: Kate has mostly played in vampiric type movies to start her Scream Queen essence. In 2003, she began the role of Selene in Underworld. A no nonsense vampire whom was in the line of stopping all Lycans. She played a total badass and not to mention an elite form of hotness in black, patent leather and fangs. In 2004 she followed this with a vampire hunter’s role in Van Helsing…to which she ends up dying at the end…(sigh) sad. In 2006 she reprised her vampire role in the sequel, Underworld: Evolution, then again in 2012 with Underworld: Awakening. A fem-pire (patent pending on that phrase) has never looked as stunning in fangs, as the lovely Kate Beckinsale. Get ready to check her out in the 2014 upcoming psychological thriller, Eliza Graves, where she is sure to be no less than spectacular in the titular character role.

In 2009, she also starred in an alien encounters’ movie, The Fourth Kind , which truthfully could’ve stayed abducted somewhere. I love Milla, but that movie was horrendous. Luckily we’ve got a sixth installment of Resident Evil to look forward to in either 2014 or 2015. Sadly, it will be the last for Milla, as she has stated in interviews. Cheers to one of the most ass-kickingest Scream Queens ever!

Jamie Lee reprised her role of Laurie Strode in the 1981 sequel, Halloween II and returned to the franchise 17-years later in the 1998 installment, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later. She then came back for one last scream in 2002’s eighth chapter, Halloween: Resurrection, where Michael Myers ends up killing her. It was actually a bit sad the way that she went out…like a bitch. They could have at least sent her off like a champ, and at the end of the movie! Little known fact, giving credit where credit is due; J.L. had a voice role in 1982’s Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
Closing the chapter of the Halloween franchise; J.L. has also starred in horror romps such as 1980’s The Fog, and Prom Night, as well as Terror Train all within the same year. Now, I am assuming that she was given the moniker of “Original Scream Queen” due to the fact that she had produced a few movies within a short amount of time, and then acted in several movies laid out in a franchise; so we are just going to go with that knowledge of why she is such a Princess in the world of horror…but who steals the number one spot if it’s not Jamie Lee?
1. Danielle Harris: The number one Scream Queen in this esteemed list; Danielle “FREAKIN” Harris! Multiple horror roles, with four of them in the Halloween franchise, one in Urban Legends (1998), Stake Land (2010), and taking over the lead role in the Hatchet series; D.Harris is my number one Scream Queen! Now what does that mean for her? Not a damn thing, as I have no clout or no strong ties with any awards academy or even with a publisher. I am solely bestowing the Extreme Queen of Scream to this pint-sized beauty with the wickedly-enticing smile.
In 1988, she began her role as Jamie Lloyd, daughter of Laurie Strode in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers. Her acting ability and fear on screen had such conviction and power behind it that I honestly have not seen another child actor do what she did back then. She again returned to the role in 1989’s Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, where she again out-acted everyone on screen…sorry Donald Pleasance; even you ol’ chap. Choosing not to return to the series for the next installment (plus they could not pay her enough); D.Harris did not return to the series until the reboot in 2007, Rob Zombie’s Halloween, where she began a new role as Annie Brackett (a character from the original 1978 film). Of course there is an obligatory tit-shot of the hot Miss. D.Harris; but her acting purely overshadows the brush with breasts. She had not lost a step in her acting abilities, especially in the horror sense. She followed that role in reprising it in the 2009 sequel, Halloween II and in 2010, she was brought on to replace the lead role of Marybeth Dunston in the movie, Hatchet II and in the 2013 sequel, Hatchet III.
With a few lesser known films, D.Harris starred in 2007’s Canadian horror, Left for Dead, 2008’s Blood Night: the Legend of Mary Hatchet, Godkiller (2010), Godkiller: Walk Among Us of the same year, Chrome Skull: Laid to Rest 2 (2011), Hallow’s Eve (2012), Dead.tv (2013), and upcoming in 2014, See No Evil 2 Night of the Living Dead: Origins: 3D, and Fear Clinic.
Need I say more about this talented…talented, actress and her Scream Queen resume? Hands down, D.Harris is the ultimate Scream Queen.
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